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Experience Optimization Framework

Experience Management is a Journey

Your journey to deliver an experience that matters to the business can seem daunting, and it will be challenging. But at Experience Collab, we have the means. Curated from the thoughts of the brightest experts, we have the approaches that have worked in practice, and the supporting toolsets. Under the watchful eye of the Experience Advisory Board, the Experience Optimization Framework was born. The framework is one of the foundational structures for the APMG-accredited Experience Education Program of our partners.


When applying the Experience Optimization Framework, you can rely on rock-solid practical guidance organized in five areas:







The framework can be applied for employee, customer, and brand experience. It is built to scale. The framework is practical and proven. However, Experience Collab and our certified consulting partners can assist you at any point on your journey.

The Experience Optimization Framework - Experience Collab


You need to know where you are before you can decide to go somewhere else. You need to understand your current experience landscape.


You need to know where you are before you can decide to go somewhere else. You need to understand your current experience landscape.


Use the guidance to combine operational, sentiment and cultural data to determine precisely where you are today. Sometimes you already know what experience problem you are trying to solve. Sometimes you need to record the wants and needs of your audience to find out.


Now it is all about creating the XLAs. You have established the Experience(s) you want to define and the target audience. Now we need to enable the flow of data to the XLA (Experience Level Agreements).


The data comes from Experience Indicators (Xis). Each XI informs you whether you are delivering on your commitment to providing a defined or staged experience.


To make this happen, the framework points you to potential data sources as you create an Experience Reference Matrix (XRM). The XRM assembles all the relevant operational, sentiment, and cultural data. This data is then mapped to the experience indicators (XIs) that you will use to determine whether or not you are delivering on the desired or staged Experience.


Now you can select the data sources for the Xis, the frequency, and what good looks like in the eyes of your employees, customers, or suppliers.


You will need a team or maybe an organization to communicate, implement and manage the XLAs. Experience Management is different from product or service management. Why is this? Every human being is a unique self-programming sensor; their reactions to defined experiences can be varied and prone to change. Add to that, when people are in groups, the individual sentiment can also change.


If you are truly serious about experience management, you will probably need an Experience Management Organization (XMO). Hmm, what will that look like? Well, you will need to answer questions. How big? What talent will you need? What skills will you need? Is it temporary or permanent? Where does it sit in the organization?


The Framework helps you to make those choices.


You are up and running. The Experience that you defined with your team is out there! Your employee, your customer, or your supplier can now consume that experience.  After all our work, we want to make sure we hit the mark.

Now you need to monitor the XIs, communicate the results, and calibrate as necessary.


Now you are an experience master, it is time to expand your horizons to other groups. Use the framework to become a lighthouse that connects UX, CX, DX. Bring the Art & Science of the Experience Optimization Framework to help others like Human Resources, or Sales to achieve more.

The Experience Optimization Framework represents the journey that experience professionals go on to identify, design, implement and manage experience. One of the overarching experience frameworks, it forms the basis of our accredited Experience Foundation course, the popular starting point for organisations looking to learn how to begin their own journey in experience management. If you would like to learn more about the in-depth design steps of XLAs, discover the XLA Design Methodology.

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